Pillar of Wellness 9:

Endocrinology (exacerbative)

Endocrinology is the hormone system, and whilst it actually impacts the entire human body, western medicine sees it as directly involving the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries and testes glands. These glands secrete hormones, or chemical messengers, which are carried throughout the body in the bloodstream.

Endocrinology describes the integration of these bodily systems as they work together. It includes the signals the system gives to the body to grow, develop, regenerate and reproduce as well as for ongoing function including blood-sugar regulation, digestion, appetite, sleep, alertness, stress management and reproduction. As such, it is fundamental to optimal function and wellness.

Endocrinology is another of the PoWs that is resultant from the impact of the first 6 PoWs. Again, it is also impacted by itself, in a feedback system, and the remaining 5 PoWs (physiology, microbiome, toxicity, inflammation and oxidative stress). For example, thyroid dysfunction may be caused by improper nutrition, such as eating gluten. Since the thyroid cannot properly produce thyroid hormones, this has a feedback-effect on other related hormones, like those in the hypothalamus pituitary and adrenal (HPA) axis. This then affects the associated downstream bodily systems, leading to poor metabolism, sleep, fertility, mental health (including anxiety) and an inability to modulate cortisol leading to the plethora of cortisol-mediated diseases, including stress.

Next: Pillar of Wellness 10 - Toxicity