
What is ‘wholistic wellness’

In philosophy, ‘holistic’ is defined as the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole. In wellness, ‘holistic’ is the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of a disease.

Therefore, ‘wholistic wellness’ is an holistic approach to wellness with an understanding of the interconnectedness of the human body and an emphasis on treating the whole human being, be it physical, mental or spiritual.

Wholistic Wellness Centre applies an holistic approach to find, and address, the underlying cause for any disease or ill-health, with the aim of finding a permanent cure (*) and without the need for medication (**).

We also advocate a way of life for obtaining and maintaining optimal health and wellness, thereby avoiding the need for medical intervention at all.

Our aims

  • amelioration and remediation (*):

providing help for those with ailments, be they minor or major;

  • optimisation:

    providing a framework for people to optimise their health and immunity;

  • prevention (***):

    providing information and support for those wanting to avoid ailments now, and in the future.

Our framework

It is now more widely accepted that our environment and lifestyle, as well as genes, affect our health.

We have a 12-pillared framework (Pillars of Wellness, or PoWs) for wellness covering all aspects of the physical, chemical, biological, psychological and toxicological human. All of these are interlinked and feedback to each other, and none of them can be overlooked for full health.

How we achieve ‘wholistic’ wellness

Wholistic Wellness Centre is a health centre providing consultancy, lab testing, solutions, support, information and resources on how to be well, or get better from any condition.

This is how we work

We use your responses to our extensive questionnaire to get to the root cause of your conditions. We work to address the 12 Pillars of Wellness (PoWs) and provide tools to remediate and manage them through:

  • 1-2-1 health consultancy by review of your completed health questionnaire and provision of a comprehensive action plan to address your symptoms and conditions at the root cause.

  • lab testing (through specially selected independent labs)

  • amelioration and remediation of existing conditions (*)

  • health optimisation

  • prevention of future disease (***)

  • coaching and support

  • weekend getaways

  • interactive learning

  • products

  • information and resources (such as blogs, videos, articles and links)

  • the practice of Functional Medicine

The basis for wellness is in the application and management of a balanced approach to the 12 Pillars of Wellness (PoWs). However, we recognise that from time to time we all may need a little more help. For these occasions, we turn to Functional Practice. This is the relatively new practice of Functional Medicine, without the medicine. The Institute for Functional Medicine describes their approach as ‘a systems biology–based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease’.

This causal, or preventative, approach is not yet taught in medical schools in the west, but it is slowly becoming more widely accepted and adopted. General Practitioners (Primary Care Physicians) in the UK are now offered to study a module in this field, however it is not compulsory, nor is it the foundation of their medical training.

Upon finding they cannot actually cure their patients using much of modern medicine, some western-qualified doctors are obtaining further certification in the field of Functional Medicine to get to the root cause of disease. It is our belief at Wholistic Wellness Centre that this is the future of modern medicine.

Wholistic Wellness Centre apply the practices of Functional Medicine, without the medicine, hence we do what we call Functional Practice.

Our promise to you

At Wholistic Wellness Centre, we are committed to providing the best quality care without the extortionate price tags.

We realise healthcare in the UK is free at the point of service, however this means that the services you receive are limited due to the cost, staff availability, resource availability and the knowledge applied. The NHS takes on average 17 years to embody new scientific research in its practices. It also isn’t thorough in the testing it carries out, which is why so often our clients are told they’ve been treated but continue to feel unwell. On review, we discover that the underlying issue has not been addressed. Let alone the grossly wide ‘normal’ parameters used to decipher any tests carried out. When we work with our clients and implement recommendations, they see significant improvements in the way they feel, their energy levels and therefore their happiness. They feel able to get more out of life, do more with their time and are able to enjoy more activities.

You can read more about the Founder, Andie's story.

Next: The 12 Pillars of Wellness (POWs)


* scientific understanding of the human body is still evolving. As a result, Wholistic Wellness Centre cannot guarantee a cure, however where we are unable to fully remediate, we believe our practices of optimisation, education and support will always improve a condition, where the client is willing and able to put into practice the guidance given.

** in some cases, medication is appropriate and necessary. However it is the philosophy of Wholistic Wellness Centre to avoid the use of medication unless it is a last resort or, in certain circumstances, where life depends on chemical intervention, such as in cases of life-threatening cancer. We always apply the same core principals to wellness, alongside any requirement for medical intervention.

*** Wholistic Wellness Centre clearly cannot guarantee a future disease will not arise since this is dependent on many factors that are out of our control, however we believe our recommendations and practices of optimisation, education and support will always reduce the risk of developing disease, where the client is willing and able to put into practice the guidance given.