Case studies of recent client success

Skin conditions - before consultation

Skin conditions

Contrary to western medical belief, skin conditions don’t originate in your skin. They start in your gut!


A 73 year old client presented with recurrent flare-ups of severe, painful eczema over her entire face. It felt like a burn and the skin became flaky, itchy and peeled off.

It occurred every few months, lasted several weeks and soon became so bad that she couldn’t recover between episodes. She felt embarrassed to leave the house.

For 6 years she had consulted her doctor with no remedy or relief.

What did her doctor do?

Her doctor prescribed strong steroidal creams to apply to the skin on her face. These didn’t help or treat the underlying root cause. It kept coming back relentlessly.

Our client became very depressed with the pain and her appearance. She couldn’t leave the house during flare-ups. She had no answers as to why it was happening or how to remedy it and she knew the steroids weren’t good for her.

How we fixed it

We took a complete history of our client’s health including:

  • lifestyle

  • diet and

  • her exposure to environmental toxicity.

We knew the issue was likely to be in her gut so we initially tried dietary changes to keep down the cost of treatment.

Further investigations were necessary so we agreed to carry out some blood tests.

The results were revelationary...


Our client was severely reacting to beta-glucans.

Beta-glucans are soluble fibres that can be part of a healthy diet. However, for our client they were damaging her gut, which presented as skin problems.

They occur in oats and mushrooms in high quantities, both foods that she loved and ate often.

Since these foods aren’t major allergens, it wasn’t easy to identify what food was causing her flare-ups, but the tests were conclusive.


Our client was extremely happy to find out the root cause of her condition.

She has stopped eating food containing beta-glucans, her gut has improved, her skin healed and she has not had any flare-ups since, is pain free and is out enjoying life without embarrassment.

The problem was never in her skin, it was in her gut!

Our client has since returned with other ailments rather than visiting a doctor. 

Skin conditions - after consultation, guidance and healing

Stephen, 64, Penarth

“Andie takes an unique approach to health. She’s different from Doctors and alternative or holistic practitioners. She goes back to basic science, like cause and effect. Using her understanding of how the body works, she cured me and then I could speak to my Dr about coming off my meds! I’m delighted. I’ve never felt better!”