Pillar of Wellness 10:

Toxicity (exacerbative)

Toxicity is a relatively new concept in health and wellness. It is extremely poorly understood and applied in western medicine.

Toxicity is characterised by harm or damage caused by the presence of a chemical substance where it does not serve a beneficial function, where it should not normally be, or is present in higher amounts than are tolerable. It may also manifest in accumulation of otherwise relatively inert, or even beneficial, substances.

Anything can be toxic when taken in extreme amounts, including substances that are fundamental to human functioning, including vitamins and minerals.

Toxicity is usually caused by the fact that we live, and often work, in an increasingly polluted and chemical environment. It is compounded by the impact of bioaccumulation, or the inability to detoxify (or remove) these substances from our bodies.

Toxicity is a direct result of the 1st PoW, bodily ingestion, and is exacerbated by itself (in a feedback system) and the remaining 11 PoWs.

Next: Pillar of Wellness 11 - Inflammation