Pillar of Wellness 7:

Physiology (exacerbative)

Physiology is the workings of the human body; it is the physical and chemical bodily functions.

Traditionally, physiology describes aspects from how individual molecules behave in cells through to large, macromolecular structures such as proteins. It also includes cells, and groupings of those cells to form tissues, organs and ultimately the whole human body. Physiology describes the function of these systems, and importantly, how they interact, physically and chemically. Disruption of homeostasis (balance) in these complex physiological systems can lead to pathology.

Physiology also includes nanomolecular aspects, which is called quantum biology. Western medicine is yet to recognise this.

An enormous amount of emphasis is placed on physiology in western medicine, however it is never the cause of disease. Physiology is one of the PoWs that is resultant from the impact of the first 6 causative PoWs (nutrition and ingestion, physical activity, sleep, rest, psychology and genetics), and is impacted by itself (in a feedback system) and the remaining 5 PoWs (microbiome, endocrinology, toxicity, inflammation and oxidative stress).

Next: Pillar of Wellness 8 - Microbiome