Pillar of Wellness 8:

Microbiome (exacerbative)

The microbiome is a relatively new concept in health and wellness. It is best described as the microorganisms, or flora, that naturally live in, and on, our bodies, including bacteria, fungi and viruses. It is the organisms themselves, and their genes, that affect the human body. Whilst these are non-human, without them humans would not exist, survive or be able to function.

The microbiome is now understood to be a crucial part of wellness, which we are only just beginning to uncover with new technology.

For example, it is now known that the intestinal microbiome play a crucial role in maintaining immune and metabolic homeostasis and protecting against pathogens. Altered gut bacterial composition (dysbiosis) has been associated with the pathogenesis of many inflammatory diseases and infections and has even been shown to impact sleep, weight and mood. Another example of the importance of internal flora is the impact of the uterine microbiome in fertility.

The microbiome is impacted by all of the other 11 PoWs, including itself in a feedback system.

This is another area that is not yet fully recognised in western medicine.

Next: Pillar of Wellness 9 - Endocrinology