Pillar of Wellness 4:

Rest (causative)

Rest is also extremely important in wellness and must be separated from sleep. We often overlook the need for wakeful rest, and when this happens it can lead to burnout.

Having a ‘strong work ethic’ is lauded in the western culture and this kind of mentality is very toxic to our health. In order to maintain wellness and balance, we must rest our bodies both unconsciously, through sleep, and consciously, through rest.

Rest is something that allows our body and brain to take a break, relax and recover. It means not working or being physically active and can include meditation, sitting on the sofa, reading, crafting, or watching a programme or film. We also consider rest as being in the alpha (rest or reflection) or theta (day dreaming, meditating or mental disengagement) brain wave states and thus can include visualisation, meditation, yoga and even prayer. It is truly beneficial for the brain.

Next: Pillar of Wellness 5 - Psychology