Pillar of Wellness 5:

Psychology (causative)

Psychological wellness includes mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects.

Psychology involves the scientific workings of the mind and the way that people behave. It is a culmination of our experiences from as early as in-utero (such as the absence of stressors in the maternal environment), and also throughout childhood, adolescence and into adulthood. The human psyche can be hard-wired, but also has plasticity (can change and evolve).

Psychology is important in mental health, but it is not the only factor. All of the other 11 PoWs have a contributory effect on psychological wellbeing, which is something that is poorly understood in modern mental health practice. This is an area in which we especially partner with Mental Health Getaway.

Whilst meditation and mindfulness, are mentioned in the PoWs as part of rest activities, they have been proven to have positive psychological effects. This is another example of the interplay of the 12 PoWs.

Next: Pillar of Wellness 6 - Genetics