Pillar of Wellness 3:

Sleep (causative)

Sleep is fundamental to human functioning, processing and repair (both physical and psychological) and impacts all PoWs, including the exacerbative ones.

The need to sleep, especially at night, is ancestral and is a response to natural cues on the body from the dimming of sunlight and its effect on the circadian rhythms. The phases of light and dark impact the production of hormones including melatonin, cortisol and growth hormone. Shift work and changing sleep patterns, including an inability to sleep, has proven to be severely detrimental to health because they disrupt homeostasis, the biological balance in the body.

It is vital to obtain between 7.5-9 hours of good quality sleep in every 24 hour period, and ideally this would be at night. This involves the delta brain wave frequencies of dreamless sleep, and theta when in REM sleep.

There are many contributors that affect sleep, including exposure to blue light (from technology) and temperature.

Next: Pillar of Wellness 4 - Rest