Why health should be looked at ‘wholistically’

‘Wholistic wellness’ is an holistic approach to wellness that seeks to treat the whole person. It applies an understanding of the interconnectedness of the human body, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, rather than just looking at the symptoms of a disease.

The western medical system compartmentalises the human body and overlooks its interconnectedness. If you have a problem with your heart, you see a cardiologist, or for a problem with your kidneys, you’re referred to a nephrologist. This is an overly reductive model. In reality, the whole body and brain are connected and function as an interdependent system.

Conditions are usually multifactorial and symptoms often present in multiple parts of the body and brain. This is where Wholistic Wellness Centre differs. We take a ‘wholistic’ approach to the functioning of the human body and apply the principles of Functional Medicine combined with Naturopathy to find, and address, the underlying cause for any disease or ill-health(*), whilst being mindful of the interplay across the whole body, with the aim of finding a permanent cure (**) and without the need for medication.

Root cause

We apply an understanding of the universal law of cause and effect. There is always a cause for everything. If there is a cause, there is a cure.

As the Founder of Wholistic Wellness Centre, although I am not a doctor, I studied at the London medical schools alongside Doctors, and I would be so bold as to say that the teachings of western medicine lack proper regard to the true cause of disease, including nutrition, environment and lifestyle aspects, toxicity and psychological wellbeing.

Doctors aim to address symptoms, not root cause. If the cause is not eliminated, the illness will not go away. A prime example is headaches for which painkillers are prescribed, however pain is not the root cause, it is merely the symptom. There are many causes of headaches including poor hydration, hormonal problems, electrolyte imbalances and side effects from other medications. By taking a deeper look into physiology, we are not only alleviating the headaches but also addressing a wider inadequate functioning of the body, which will show up in other conditions presently (due to the interconnectedness of the body), or in the future if not properly resolved.

Medicate first

Western medicine is overly reliant on the pharmaceutical industry. Doctors are taught to medicate, not to ask ‘why’ or ‘how’ to seek to understand root cause and find a remedy. Not one person is, or has ever been, deficient in pharmaceuticals, and yet we are fed them from the day we are born.

On the contrary, in these modern times, with more expedient food production methods and over-processing, our food is often nutritionally deficient, causing deficiencies and therefore sickness in the consumer. Some say that you need to eat ten tomatoes today to obtain the same nutrition as one tomato in the 1950s. In spite of this, Doctors are no longer allowed to prescribe vitamins and minerals, although I believe this is beginning to change in the case of vitamin D.


In addition, nowadays I am seeing health being regulated so much that a Doctor can no longer use their judgement, but must follow NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) guidelines without an appreciation of the nuance of individual circumstances.

The essence of being human: a human being

In western medicine we have forgotten our innate ability to heal when given the appropriate circumstances. We simply do not require pharmaceutical or even bioengineered intervention to stay well. Our human bodies are intricately and adeptly designed to self-heal and self-protect through our innate and adaptive immune systems.

The human body is the most advanced technology humans have ever created, one which we do not yet fully understand.

Whilst some people are indeed immune-compromised for varying reasons, the vast majority of us have the capacity to repel or heal disease when we put our bodies in the correct environment. It is this environment that is the key to our healing and continued health. Even immune-compromised people can become more resilient with the right application.

A new approach

At Wholistic Wellness Centre, we apply a 12-pillared framework for wellness covering all aspects of the physical, chemical, biological, energetic, psychological and toxicological human. All of these are interlinked and feedback to each other, and none of them can be overlooked for full health. Once adjusted, these pillars provide the necessary environment for complete health.

In understanding this interconnectedness, and applying an holistic approach, we advocate a way of life for obtaining and maintaining optimal health and wellness, thereby avoiding the need for medical intervention.

What we do

Wholistic Wellness Centre is a health consultancy providing solutions on how to be well or get better from any condition.

We provide a variety of different services to remedy and prevent disease and to optimise health. These range from:

• a 20-minute GP-style appointment to address minor issues such as muscle cramps;

• a 45-minute consultation for more complex conditions like headaches, weight problems or mental health concerns. You name it, we do it;

• our most comprehensive offering of a full health review for chronic or unexplained conditions or those with multiple facets like auto-immune conditions, fibromyalgia and neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Our full health review is the most effective because we analyse the entire health profile of our clients from diet, lifestyle, travel history, familial conditions and more. On a 1-2-1 basis, we analyse your responses to our extensive 700-point questionnaire to get to the root cause of your conditions. When we work with you to implement our recommendations, you will see significant improvements in the way you feel, your energy levels, your symptoms and therefore your overall health and happiness. You will feel able to get more out of life, do more with your time and energy and will be able to enjoy more activities.

If you haven’t been helped by your Doctor, are on medication and don’t want to be, or would like to optimise your health and prevent future disease, please do get in touch for a FREE 30 minute consultation to discuss how we can help you.

We’re here for you.

Well wishes,

Andie. x

* in some cases, medication is appropriate and necessary. However, it is the philosophy of Wholistic Wellness Centre to avoid the use of medication unless it is a last resort or, in certain circumstances, where life depends on it, such as in cases of life-threatening cancer. We always apply the same core principals to wellness, alongside any requirement for medical intervention.

** scientific understanding of the human body is still evolving. As a result, Wholistic Wellness Centre cannot guarantee a cure, however where we are unable to fully remediate, we believe our practices of optimisation, education and support will always improve a condition, where the client is willing and able to put into practice the guidance given.


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